3 Types Of Books To Add To Your Classroom Library

As a teacher, you might have a small library of books in your classroom for your students to read. If this is the case, you might always be on the lookout for books that you can add. Different students are interested in different things, so there are really no wrong answers, as long as the books are age-appropriate. However, if you're looking for inspiration, consider adding these types of books to the shelves in your classroom:

1. Historical Fiction

Historical fiction can be a great addition to any type of classroom library. Some students love reading about things that happened in the past. Plus, you might find that your students are more excited about learning history if they have been reading books from various time periods. It's a great educational option that can also open up your students' minds and give them something new and interesting to read.

2. Non-Fiction Books

A lot of educators focus on adding fiction books to their classrooms. However, even though many students are definitely interested in reading fiction books, some are interested in non-fiction as well. Looking for non-fiction books that are based on topics that seem popular among your students can be a good idea. Then, your students will have the opportunity to learn new things, and for those who find non-fiction to be more interesting than fiction, this can be a good way to encourage more and more of your students to read.

3. Magazines

If you have students who just don't seem interested in reading, adding a few magazines to your collection can be a good idea. For those who prefer to see visuals when they are reading, magazines can be a good choice because of their glossy pages. Magazines can also keep students informed about current events, and for those who are a bit intimidated by the idea of reading a long book, a magazine can often be a lot less intimidating. There are a ton of magazines out there that are targeted for kids or teenagers, or you can even consider adding news-related magazines, as long as you screen them beforehand to make sure that they are age-appropriate.

As you can see, there are a few different types of reading materials that you can add to your classroom library. As you slowly add more materials to your collection, you might find that more and more of your students are interested in reading.

Contact a company like Rekindled for more information and assistance. 

About Me

Planning a First Date

Do you desperately desire to plan an amazing first date with someone you’re extremely attracted to? To make your date spectacular, consider incorporating some type of entertainment into it. For instance, you might wish to take your sweetheart to a fun, outdoor concert. The two of you can hold hands while you sit under the stars and listen to great music. Other forms of entertainment to relish on a date include a comedy show or a sports event. Outdoor, sports events such as baseball games are particularly fun to attend on beautiful, summer days or nights. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of entertainment to enjoy with someone special this summer.


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