3 Fun & Quick Axe Throwing Game Alternatives

Axe throwing is a fun and exciting event to compete in with family members and friends. A typical set-up will include wooden targets with allotted point values. Along with traditional scoring, you can mix things up and create new elements in the way you play.

The next time you book an axe-throwing session, look into some fun alternative ways to play and keep score. Each method provides simple changes and can increase the competitive fun you and your friends have.

1. Exact Total

The target you throw an axe into will typically feature specific score amounts. While a traditional game awards the winner with the highest score, you could play an exact total game and try to reach an exact number first. For example, the number you try to reach could be 31.

If a player reaches 27, then they would need to get a 4 to reach the exact score. If the axe hit a spot like "5" or "7" then the score would be too high and those throws would not count. The game allows players to aim for more accurate throws and gives other players a chance to catch up if someone has a huge lead.

For longer sessions, pick a larger target score like 51, 61, or 71.

2. Single Throw Elimination

If you have a lot of players, then you could play a speed round tournament known as a single throw elimination. Split up pairs into one on one battles. Each player will toss one axe. The lowest score is eliminated and the higher score moves on. Play continues until only two players remain and the final throw takes place.

The fast-paced action means that the rounds move quickly and every single throw matters. One botched throw could eliminate someone and the process really raises the stakes for players.

3. Non-Dominant Hand Toss

Another fun challenge is the non-dominant hand toss. Typically, players would toss an axe with just a single dominant hand. In the game, they would have to change to their non-dominant hand and see how their fare. Someone who was once really accurate could throw completely different with the opposite hand.

The change-up will create new scores and is a fun way to expand on axe-throwing skills. Over time, the use of a non-dominant hand could become a common skill that you utilize in specific games and match-ups with other players.

Along with these rule changes, feel free to add your own rules and ideas every time you throw axes with friends.

Reach out to a company like Axe Kicking Entertainment for more information.

About Me

Planning a First Date

Do you desperately desire to plan an amazing first date with someone you’re extremely attracted to? To make your date spectacular, consider incorporating some type of entertainment into it. For instance, you might wish to take your sweetheart to a fun, outdoor concert. The two of you can hold hands while you sit under the stars and listen to great music. Other forms of entertainment to relish on a date include a comedy show or a sports event. Outdoor, sports events such as baseball games are particularly fun to attend on beautiful, summer days or nights. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of entertainment to enjoy with someone special this summer.


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